Doing Business AsDBA


Doing Business As DBA

You can use a company name that is different from the legally registered name.


What does it mean to have a DBA?

A company is said to "do business as" when the name under which it does business differs from its legal registered name. Some states require you to submit a dba or fictitious company name to protect consumers doing business with the company.

If you are a sole proprietorship or a partnership, you have the option to choose a company name or a dba ("doing business as"). If you wish to do business under a name other than your real name (eg Carol Axelrod does business as "Darling Donut Shoppe"), you may need to register your county, city or state under a fictitious name. (Note: A fictitious company name may not contain the words "Corporation," "Inc.," "Incorporation," or "Corp." unless it is a legal entity registered with the Secretary of State.)

The process of filing for a DBA

Where to file?

Depending on where your company is incorporated and where it is incorporated, you may be required to apply for a DBA at the state, county, or even city level. Also note that if your company is incorporated in a foreign country, you will need to obtain a DBA to operate there.

How to file?

The first step in applying for a DBA is a pre-check to see if the name is available in the jurisdiction you are applying for. If the name is available, you will need to complete the necessary documents at the relevant institution and pay the relevant fees. Some jurisdictions also require you to post a notice of your company's new alias.

Are there any publication requirements?

Some states require companies that obtain a DBA to place an advertisement in the local newspaper. The exact details will vary depending on where you are. Our DBA filing services include fulfillment of disclosures required by your local jurisdiction.

What name should you use?

DBAs must not be used to mislead the public. For this reason, you must not use language that could lead the public to believe that you are operating as an unregistered corporate entity. For example, a sole proprietor may not use the terms "company" or "incorporated" in the DTA. This is to convey the message that the company is officially incorporated, even though it is not actually incorporated.


General Questions

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